// RAW:POCUS (TM) Remote I Austere I Wilderness: Point of Care Ultrasound.
We believe that this is an excellent grounding in remote area emphasis ultrasound, with an unparalleled Faculty. It also happens to be extremely cost effective, with our 3 day course costing less than some one day courses.
Why do we believe this ? Because delegates tell us:
‘This is the best ultrasound course I have attended over 4 continents’.
R2Ri is the only Wilderness Medical Society Affiliate headquartered in England and Wales and one of only two WMS Affiliates in the UK - the other being the Faculty of Pre Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh).
We run a number of Ultrasound courses - our flagship being the RAW: POCUS - Remote I Austere I Wilderness : Point of Care Ultrasound Course (TM).
The RAW:POCUS (TM) course was designed by a team including expedition doctors (one who happens to also be a Consultant Radiologist, along with an ex British Antarctic Survey Doctor with extensive expedition experience including work as a HEMS Doctor) and a Consultant Cardiologist. This course is for health care professionals: Specifically Doctors, Nurses Paramedics and military medics. We have delivered delivered this course to NGO medical staff, overseas disaster response medics, Health Care Professionals from specialist military units - both SOF Paramedics and SF Paramedics , Mountain Rescue Paramedics, Cave Rescue Paramedics, Doctors deploying to work in remote clinics overseas, oil and gas sector medics, expedition medics, Off Shore Medics (including both ships medics and rig medics), with delegates travelling from across Europe to those travelling from the southern hemisphere to attend the training.
Remote I Austere I Wilderness Point of Care Ultrasound (TM)- A Consultant Radiologist led course*, supported by a Faculty consisting of an ex British Antarctic Survey Medic with HEMS and significant remote area expedition experience, Consultant Cardiologist, MSF Doctor and a Critical Care Doctor.
The RAW:POCUS course is delivered in a remote area medicine context and is mapped to the Royal College of Emergency Medicine Level 1 Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine syllabus (often a one day course).
Time commitment:
10 hours pre study. Pre course study (Manual - Ultrasound in remote areas).
3 days face to face (24 hours in total)
10 hours post study.
c. 44 hours in total.
Day 1
Intro: Use of pocus in remote areas, top cover/telemedicine research and starlink comms solutions.
Lecture: Intro to US - basic physics & knobology, (governance)
Practical: Knobology, probe orientation, manipulation
Introduction to multiple ultrasound devices and manufacturers - multiple handheld units and hospital units.
Catastrophic Haemorrhage: eFAST scan
(pneumothorax, pleural fluid, cardiac tamponade, abdominal free fluid)
Day 2:
AM: Breathing (lung assessment - a lines “good” lung vs b-lines etc, consolidation, overload…)
PM: Circulation- Cardiac views, basic TTE , Echo in CPR
Day 3:
AM: Circulation Continued:Fluid Status/ IVC/aorta. Vascular access (peripheral and central for L1 compliance).
PM: Basic renal/bladder/liver/GB and pelvis/obstetric
Additional discussion subjects including case studies/materials:
Long bone fractures
Foreign body, skin (Abscess vs cellulitis)
basic obstetric
basic renal/bladder liver/gallbladder
US in the context of altitude related illnesses
Optic, transcranial optic nerve sheath diameter (ICP)
Summary of course.
Next steps including Royal College of Emergency Medicine Level 1 Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine compliance.
Post course reading: Manual plus various papers on ICP, hand held unit recommendations for remote areas, power sources and supplies including in field solar chargers and battery packs.
Cost: £395.00
Course Dates:
Our next RAW:POCUS courses are:
10- 12 May 2025: Bookings open. If you have already submitted a booking form and are awaiting joining instructions and an invoice, the next batch are scheduled to go out on 5 March 2025.
September 2025 date to be confirmed shortly
Accommodation and food are not included as clients tell us that they want flexibility and we wish to be as inclusive as possible. Camping to YHA to accommodation at PYB itself are options.
Venue: Plas y Brenin
* Instructors may vary depending on circumstances outside our control.
How to book:
The (large black) booking button (below) links to the booking pack. Click the link to access the booking pack. The pack contains an editable pdf. Complete and save the booking form and email it to us. Please only submit a booking form if you intend to enter into a contract with us in line with the terms and conditions (also in the booking pack) which include cancellation charges.
This course is for Health Care Professionals - specifically Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics. Delegates need to be up to date with medical physiology including Cardiology. The course is an ultrasound course aimed at the use of Ultrasound in relation to the listed subjects and in context of those subjects, with an expectation that the course will discuss the use of ultrasound, rather than being a physiology course. It is not a physiology course. Delegates are expected to have a good working knowledge of medical physiology and that is assumed as a pre requisite.
Please note that places on courses are limited. Our 'Why' is supporting organisations and good causes such as NGO's, Rescue Organisations, expedition teams and others that need excellent training at reasonable cost. We support a number of organisations who cycle volumes of delegates through our courses. Priority in terms of bookings/places will be given to operational remote area medics, NGO's and Rescue teams as well as other good causes. This is who we are set up to support. Instructors from or who deliver training for other remote area medical training companies are not eligible to join this course. Simply put, this is a conflict of interest. Our training has taken years to develop and hone and we value our Intellectual Property. We have a legitimate interest in ensuring that our Project and our 'Why' are not undermined and that our instructors can enjoy delivery of the courses, to maximise learning for our clients. Our priority is training our long standing client bases and to maximise the benefit of our training for those communities - and not other training organisations. For that reason, delegates should pay particular attention to reading our terms and conditions in this regard, before submitting any Booking Form. These terms and conditions are in place specifically to safeguard the great work we do for and with great people and to ensure the sustainability of our Project.

Picture: Alumni member and Faculty Member testing cutting edge new Starlink based telemedicine system (including Ultrasound) in Antarctica.

‘This is the best ultrasound course I have attended over 4 continents’.
‘First class content, well presented.’
‘This is what makes me exponentially more effective in my practice.’
Credible and knowledgeable Faculty.
Thank you for and enjoyable, informative and useful course delivered in an open and approachable manner.
Did you find the course useful ?
Yes, absolutely.
Very useful
Very useful
Absolutely, yes.
Very in depth, thorough and interesting.
Highly experienced Faculty. (Faculty member - Consultant Radiologist) was amazing.
(Faculty member - ex HEMS Doc) is a really good teacher!
Excellent, knowledgeable Faculty
Excellent cardiology lecture from (Faculty member - Consultant Cardiologist).
Really good presentation (by guest lecturer).
Consultant radiologist Really good.
Very experienced clinicians
Wide range. Helped with queries.
Excellent experience.
Would you be more confident using ultrasound ?:
Most definitely
Yes, absolutely.
All delegates confirmed that they would be
How will this course change your practice ?
Confident to use pocus in my practice.
More confident, more knowledge
Would you recommend the course to others ?:
100% yes. Professional, efficient, effective teaching.
Awesome course, yet again 🙂
Would highly recommend
Very comprehensive.
Thank you for a fantastic course !!
Fantastic value for money
Giving me confidence using pocus in PHEC & supporting doc in using pocus (in very remote areas).
Thank you for a great weekend !
Highly recommend
The usual high quality training from R2Ri delivered by experienced instructors with real world experience.
Thanks so much !
Very useful !
Couldn’t be better.
Would you be more confident using ultrasound in a remote area after the course ?
Yes, more so than before the course …
Very much so.
All delegates said their U/S skills and knowledge were improved by the course.
Skills : yes, greatly.
Knowledge : extraordinarily so!
All delegates would recommend the course.
Already have !
Very relevant and much more experienced Faculty in this course (compared to previous ultrasound courses).
Very (useful)
Excellent (Faculty)
Great (Faculty)
Really good. Thanks.
Excellent (Faculty)
Definitely (useful)
Great tutors !
Feel very fortunate to learn from these individuals.
Excellent introduction to and overview of u/s
‘It was amazingly useful and fun’
‘The Faculty is the best .’
‘This is way too cheap !’
‘Thank you’
Would you now be more confident using an ultrasound in remote areas?
Yes !
Yes, I learned new content every day.
Do you believe that undertaking the course and implementing the learning would lead to improved outcomes?
Absolutely yes !
Yes 100%
It has increased my cognitive and practical ability.,
Extremely useful.
Credible and knowledgeable Faculty.
Thank you for and enjoyable, informative and useful course delivered in an open and approachable manner.
Thanks so much !
Very useful !
Couldn’t be better.
Would you be more confident using ultrasound in a remote area after the course ?
Yes, more so than before the course …
Very much so.
All delegates said their U/S skills and knowledge were improved by the course.
Skills : yes, greatly.
Knowledge : extraordinarily so!
All delegates would recommend the course.
Already have !
Very relevant and much more experienced Faculty in this course (compared to previous ultrasound courses).
Very (useful)
Excellent (Faculty)
Great (Faculty)
Really good. Thanks.
Excellent (Faculty)
Definitely (useful)
Great tutors !
Feel very fortunate to learn from these individuals.
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