// Publications, research collaboration, expert lecture and subject matter expert commentary availability:
As experts in our fields, the Remote Area Risk Faculty is regularly invited by globally acknowledged sector leading publications, to share its in depth, subject matter expertise in matters of both remote area medical and remote area risk management.
We have provided subject matter expert lecturers for many learned organisations, from the Royal Geographical Society (preparation for desert expeditions), British Mountaineering Council, Mountain Training Association, multiple Universities, UK and overseas governing bodies and many, many more.
We have collaborated on or incepted high level research in association with multiple universities and sector leading bodies, including on Prolonged Field Care, Space Health and exploration risk management and more.
If you would like us to contribute subject matter expert text, chapters, articles or act as editors for remote area medical or remote area risk management pieces, or invite us to support research, then contact us to discuss.
Example of publications include:
3rd Edition Oxford Handbook of Expedition & Wilderness Medicine (2023).
Subject matter experts : Dentistry, Prolonged Field Care, Legal.
NAEMT UK localised 9th Edition
Multiple of our Faculty were subject matter expert editors.
2nd Edition UK edition, Tactical Emergency Casualty Care:
Half of the Editors are Faculty members.
BS: 8848: 2014 - British Standard for Overseas expeditions, fieldwork, adventure travel and ventures.
Drafting committee members from the first edition in 2007.
ISO: 31030 - Travel Risk Management. Released September 2022.
Drafting committee member (UK)
The Professional Mountaineer:
Multiple editions.
Association of Mineral Exploration, British Columbia

Course review from a very experienced Overseas Disaster Response Paramedic. Click HERE for full article

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