// Medical
R2Ri is the Wilderness Medical Society Affiliate in England and Wales and one of only two WMS Affiliates in the UK - the other being the Faculty of Pre Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). Three of our Health Care Professionals (two Doctors and a Paramedic) are members of Wilderness Medical Society Committees - Operational Medicine (military, environmental and Prolonged Field Care), Global Health and also Expedition Medicine committees). Five of the team are Fellows in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine.
The team at R2Ri contains significant expertise in the Remote Area and Wilderness Medical Fields. Team members represented expedition sector industry bodies during the Institute of Outdoor Learning consultation on Outdoor First Aid. Other team members are involved in writing the wilderness medicine elements of new european pre hospital qualifications and others have written and teach on wilderness medical degree courses at University level.
Team members hold Diplomas in Mountain Medicine, Tropical and Travel Health, Dive Medical and other speciality qualifications. The team is made up of Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, ODP's, Military Medics, SF Medics and more. They have significant experience in Jungles, Deserts, Mountains, Polar regions, from the heights of Everest to the depths of the ocean and sports, commercial and military diving context. Our medics (and ourselves) are even involved in space medicine research, training and simulations.
We are working towards a suite of courses to allow those based in England and Wales to achieve their Wilderness Medical Society Fellowship in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine. The suite of courses will allow those meeting the criteria to become Fellows, to undertake a course relevant to their work - either a high level Remote Area and Wilderness specific qualification or a wider remote, well recognised qualification, delivered with a Remote Area and Wilderness emphasis.
Our NAEMT Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support courses are delivered with a Remote Area and Wilderness emphasis. The PHTLS course and certain of our Off Site Safety Management Courses attract FAWM points. Ultrasound and R/EMO:TE Medic will soon attract FAWM credits also.
The team includes multiple medics, ranging from Doctors to Nurses, Paramedics to military Medics and more, Diplomas In Mountain Medicine, Remote and Offshore Medicine, Travel Health, Hyperbaric and Dive Medic qualifications, ex Everest ER, 2 x Ex British Antarctic Survey and much, much more . Check out the profiles on the faculty page.
A few examples from our unparalleled Medical Faculty:
✅ Experience on every continent, from heights of Everest to depths of the ocean
✅ 6 x Fellows in the Academy of Wilderness Med (4 Doctors, 1 Paramedic, 1 Nurse)
✅ 3 x Diplomas in Mountain Medicine
✅ Diploma in Tropical & Travel health
✅ FPHC RCS (Edin) Diploma in Remote & Offshore Med
✅ 2 x Ex British Antarctic Survey Doctors
✅ 4 x Doctors working on helimed in 2022 and 1 x Off Shore retrieval Medic
✅ Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, ODP's. Military Medics, Mountain Rescue team Medical lead. Mountain Rescue Casualty Carers
✅ 2 x Psychologists, 1 x Psychiatrist
✅ Anaesthetists x 2, 2 x senior A and E Doctors, 2 x GP's, PHEM Consultant
✅ Members of Wilderness Medical Soc committees including exped medicine, operational medicine & global health committees
✅ Authors of leading remote area medical texts … more news v soon ;)
✅ Committee members for leading U.K. Fieldwork and Expedition safety standards including medical considerations
✅ We are involved in cutting edge research for Remote Area med - including with leading U.K. Universities
✅ NHS experience & training
✅ HART experience
✅ SAR experience
✅ Ex U.K. Special Forces Medics
✅ Expedition Medics
✅ Military Doctors and Combat Medical Technician
✅ Hostile Environments
✅ Offshore Medic experience
✅ TV/Media safety medical cover & training delivery including safety cover for David Attenborough Documentaries
✅ FPHC RCS (Edin) representative committee member
✅ Where appropriate training solutions don’t exist, we create them - leading the way in remote area safety.
The R2Ri team invests heavily in training and keeping up to date with medical developments, techniques and equipment.
The team has extensive expeditionary experience in all environments. Team, members have also provided medical cover for solo expeditions to both Poles.
We run a number of Remote Area Medical Courses, from Outdoor First Aid, Remote Area First Aid, Pre Hospital Care Courses to 7 day Remote Area and Wilderness First Responder Courses, Advanced training for medics going to remote areas and Medical Gases courses.
Please also check out our first aid page.
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Course review from a very experienced Overseas Disaster Response Paramedic. Click HERE for full article