// Joe P.
Joe served with the Military and travelled the world on Operations. He is currently responsible for delivering collective resilience/crisis management training throughout the UK. Since 2004, he has been responsible for developing, implementing and delivering a vast range of disaster focused events to many organisations. He has also supported many organizations in the preparation and validation of Emergency Plans.
His experience has been gained from physically writing, delivering and evaluating exercises and operations in preparation for events such as; the London Olympics, G8 Summits, NATO Summit and Commonwealth Games to name a few. He also provides subject matter expertise in the running of Operations Rooms and this experience was utilised in 2012 when he acted as an independent advisor to the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG) to observe and identify lessons to be implemented during the transition between the Games and Paralympics.
Joe has written exercises that he has delivered throughout the UK and overseas using scenarios that are underpinned by the National Risk Assessment (NRA). Internationally, he has delivered training and exercises to personnel from a variety of sectors from 5 of the world’s continents where he has gained considerable experience in international risks and hazards and national operating procedures used during crises or disasters. Additionally he designed an Emergency Control Room for a Middle East National company and recently he also worked with a Middle East National Airline carrier for 2 weeks delivering a robust and demanding training and exercising programme. Closer to home he carried out a training needs analysis for The Cabinet Office Briefing Room (COBR).
Joe prides himself on being a ‘practitioner’ in the field of Emergency Planning and Resilience as he delivers training based on the fact he has ‘hands-on’ experience which is balanced with his qualifications:
MSc in Emergency Planning Management,
Police CBRN Gold Commander Qualified,
Police Incident Officer Trained,
Qualified in Business Continuity,
Qualified Police Multi-Agency Advisor,
D32, Levels 3 and 4 Qualifications in Assessing and Assuring the Quality of Assessment,
Full Member of The Emergency Planning Society,
Security Cleared to SC Level