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// Institute for Remote Area Risk And Medicine (IRARAM)

The word 'Institute' is a protected word in UK law as it reflects pre eminence in a field/fields, within the UK. It is an Offence to use the word without legal authority to do so. To use the word 'Institute', written permission is needed from the Secretary of State, based on an investigation and compelling evidence from highly relevant third parties. Only one Institute can be established in a respective field/fields.

A number of years ago, we decided to formalise our research initiatives into an Institute and started collating evidence to establish an Institute to support the sectors we operate in. We secured the support of key players in our sectors, recognising our significant and long standing expertise. After undertaking appropriate scrutiny, the Institute for Remote Area Risk Management and Medicine received Government approval and was born.

Given our longstanding expertise in remote area risk management and remote area medical training, along with the level at which we deliver that training, to whom we deliver that training and provide expert Consultancy, support and advice, we were granted permission by the Secretary of State to establish the Institute of Remote Area risk Management and Medicine.

We continue to be very grateful to the Government Agencies, Centres of national significance, Universities and other learned Institutes who suggested/supported and provided wide ranging, detailed written evidence to the Secretary of State as to our unique expertise, research. conferences and unique suitability to establish such an Institute.

Projects that we have been involved in include (but are not limited to):

World First PhD into Prolonged Field Care:

After 6 years of collaboration with Dr Myles Harris at UCL, his world first PhD into Prolonged Field Care has just been published, supported by ourselves, the Institute for Remote Area Risk And Medicine and the Royal Defence Medical College. 


Harris, M. (2024) Prolonged field care: a grounded theory of mitigating risks to health in remote environments. PhD thesis, University College London. Available at:


Much of this collaboration came from a discussion in the bar at the National Outdoor Centre, Plas y Brenin, after Dr. Harris attended specialist training with us, 6 or 7 years ago (is it really that long ?! - time flies!) and followed on the heels of Dr. Harris’s studies on the relevance of nursing care to expedition medicine. 


This is very much a piece for an academic audience. A published book and several papers are in the pipeline.


Dr. Harris is a former nurse, lecturer/assistant professor, and expedition medic, which makes his views highly pertinent and informed.


As a PhD, it’s a big read - and we haven’t had time to read it yet ! However, having (rapidly) skimmed a number of sections, the value of practical training is highlighted and this mirrors the feedback from the remote area medics and expeditioners/disaster responders who have been through our training. 


We provided data and access to our PFC training cadre and students as well as Prolonged Field Care training as part of the research. This also fed in to a space health related project. Our Prolonged Field Care training is very much civilian remote operation (think back back based expeditions and disaster relief) focused, with the kit delegates would have in the field, rather than volumes of med kit, although we have trained military personnel drawn from all branches of the UK military, with excellent feedback and the results tested. 


We have had our ‘ significant contribution’ to the field of Prolonged Field Care acknowledged by relevant elements from UK military … and the training tested in anger. 


We also put Dr Harris in touch with external sources we thought may be of assistance, including in the US and Europe. Whilst we’re very comfortable with the effectiveness of the longstanding specialist training we deliver in this field it’s incumbent on everyone with expertise to support widening the knowledge pool for the wider benefit, in a spirit of collaboration - that’s our view. That’s exactly why we set up Remote Area Risk International in the first place, to ensure fit for purpose training that had to be accessible and, very very importantly, affordable. Cost is a bar to access. 


Huge congratulations to Dr. Harris in completing his research. Now to sit down and read it…


Very much hoping that this will smooth the way to wider recognition of the value/need for Prolonged Field Care/ Prolonged Casualty Care training  in the civilian sphere as it’s such an obvious skill/training gap for those operating in remote areas - and less remote areas where help may be some time away.

Other projects include:


  • Supporting a 2024 project in Antarctica undertaking telemedicine research. Parties involved include one of our Faculty Doctors and a R/EMO:TE Medic alumni physically in Antarctica and another of our Doctors receiving data in the UK.

  • A current (2023) project working with parties in Scandinavia and the UK,  to research telemedicine solutions using Starlink and Butterfly Ultrasound systems, as well as optimal transportation of hypothermic casualties. Field research in Antarctica.

  • Supporting and working with  the globally renowned Institute for Disaster Risk Reduction at UCL, in relation to Prolonged Field Care research since 2019.

  • Our unique and exclusive partnership with the National Outdoor Centre in the remote area risk and remote area medical space, recognising our pre eminence in those fields.

  • Input into the World first PhD into Prolonged Field Care Research. The only other entity was involved was an element of the UK Government.

  • Prolonged Field Care technical and scientific research by way of successful grant funding application in association with an expert University team from Bangor University, Institute for Applied Physiology, specialising in human physiology in the extremes..

  • Supporting, through knowledge, consultancy and training, as well as operational support: the UK's first Analogue Astronaut Mission (this research and missions continue with our support)

  • Supporting the Space Health Risks Research Group 

  • Incepting, providing input into & suitability testing of the Water Safety for Expedition Leaders course. The first globally accredited water safety course in our sector (through Rescue 3). We highlighted the need, provided support on content and sector relevance then worked with the experts at the National Outdoor Centre to bring the course to life and test it.

  • Drafting committee membership of the British Standard for overseas expeditions, fieldwork, visits and adventure travel (BS:8848)

  • Committee membership for ISO:31030 - Travel Risk Management

  • Cutting edge, unique courses in both remote area risk management and remote area medicine

  • A unique, exceptionally high calibre (and, we believe) pre eminent Faculty, globally in our areas of expertise. 

  • Multiple Faculty invited to contribute as experts, to some of the world's leading texts in our fields of operation including the Oxford Expedition and Wilderness Medicine Handbook - the global 'bible' for our sphere.

  • Decades of experience and consultancy at the highest levels.

  • Our client list speaks for itself and includes multiple Governments, militaries, academic establishments in many countries, SAR, disaster responders and many more.

  • Our activities have assisted organisations and individuals, both UK and overseas based, around the globe, operating on every continent.

  • Our bi annual remote area risk management conferences are unique and internationally respected. The C:ORE Risk Conference.

  • Training equipment and courses unique to us in the UK, including ultra high fidelity simulation.

  • Consultancy and concept support to multiple specialist equipment manufacturers to perfect solutions for our sectors.

Case study, specialist input into the product development of the Rigloo Rescuer and Defender.

The Rigloo was incepted as a rapidly inflatable emergency shelter for use when a car breaks down. We were sent a shelter to evaluate. Expert feedback was provided that an alternative tack could be taken and this could be an excellent solution for EMS and SAR use when vehicular support was available to facilitate transport.

Rigloo took on board the feedback and developed an EMS model with a removable floor. We have tried and tested multiple iterations of the model in remote environment settings, providing feedback at each stage - leading to the excellent Rigloo Rescuer and the Defender (military models). We introduced the concept of Rigloo to the Prolonged Field Care space and, following our example, that approach has been replicated by numerous organisations around the globe, along with other kit items that we have championed.










Future plans for IRARAM include a separate web site, entity, specialist committees drawn from across the sector, as well as several categories of Membership and Fellowship.

A globally unique initiative for a unique globe.

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Course review from a very experienced Overseas Disaster Response Paramedic. Click HERE for full article


Great to feature at COP 29 for our research with Bangor University into improvised materials for hypothermia wraps in disaster response settings/ cold stress research

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