Acknowledged and trusted as leading experts in remote area risk management, the team at Remote Area Risk International have significant experience in supporting organisations in implementing BS:8848:2014 'Specification for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions and adventurous activities outside the United Kingdom'.
Team members were involved with the creation of the standard from the outset and have significant experience of supporting organisations seeking compliance with the standard, implementing the standard in organisations and also assisting organisations with third party auditing against the standard. Team members even have experience of court cases and inquests where BS:8848 compliance has been an issue.
We offer a number of related services:
BS:8848 awareness training
Support in implementing BS:8848
Reviewing policies against BS:8848
Independent third party assessment against BS:8848
Third party assessment declaration of compliance against BS:8848 (this involves an independent third party assessment against BS:8848 plus subsequent review of a number of ventures following implementation of the Standard, by way of representative sample) to check that the implementation by the organisation of the standard, is effective and to seek evidence that it is applied across all ventures said to be compliant with the standard.
All assessments are carried out by trained auditors with significant experience of assessing against BS:8848. They have extensive experience in safety aspects related to overseas visits, fieldwork, expeditions and adventurous activities outside the UK, across multiple organisations.